My ambition is to someday be what literature specialist and children's author Esme Raji Codell calls herself: a "certified readologist." Of course this is a fun way to express my passion for reading. I w
ill never be able to finish my quest of reading all of the quality children's literature I can in my lifetime, because luckily new trade books come out continuously to feed my ravenous appetite. I have the chance to perpetually share my craving for the "sweetness of knowledge" and experiences
of life through the pages of a book, as author Patricia Polacco puts in her books Thank You, Mr. Falker and The Bee Tree. My never ending quest to channel my self-motivation and passion for reading into my students is truly one of my greatest rewards as an educator. When my students "get" a book beyond its surface, I am reminded why I teach. What an amazing profession!

Esme is also one of my idols in life! Isn't she awesome?!! I'm glad you shared your dream to be a readologist!
Thanks! I am glad to know of another "Esme fan!" I started to get to know her when I saw her talk about her book Educating Esme on CNN booktalk when it first came out. Such a lady filled with spirit, spunk, and passion! We'll have to talk in person. Have you read any of her books for children? I haven't and intend to do at least one for my reading response journal. I'll let you know what I read and how I liked them. :)
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